Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia






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About This Project

The Indonesian Bachelor of Pharmacy Association (Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia) is the only Pharmaceutical Professional Organization in Indonesia determined by Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 41846 / KMB / 121 dated September 16, 1965. The name of the Indonesian Pharmacy Bachelor Association was determined at the VII Congress of the Indonesian Pharmacist Association in Jakarta on February 26, 1965 and was a continuation of the Indonesian Pharmacist Association which was established on June 18, 1955, for an indefinite period.

The Indonesian Bachelor of Pharmacy Association also holds an annual event called Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan (PIT). This Annual Activity was held as an event to improve the latest pharmaceutical science for all Pharmacists in Indonesia and the IAI National Working Meeting which will be attended by all Central and Regional Administrators of the Indonesian Pharmacist Association. This activity is expected to be a Forum that can be used as a means to meet Academics, Practitioners, Regulators and Pharmaceutical Professional Organizations to produce new ideas and cooperation in order to improve the role and existence of Indonesian Pharmacists in the future.